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Showing posts with label General. Show all posts
Showing posts with label General. Show all posts

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

A way to envision Dr. Kalam's Dream of India 2020

Democracy is the buzz word for our political system. But is it really so? Are we really satisfied with the way our country is being governed? Why is it so that people below 50 years are considered as political ‘kids’?

The country desperately needs some young leaders who personify energy, enthusiasm, morality, and diligence. No doubt we have progressed a lot in the last 62 years but the development pace would have been completely different if we had some young torchbearers led this process of development.

At the time of independence, Gandhi called upon the youth to participate actively in the freedom movement. Young leaders likes Nehru came to his reckoning and led the movement. But this is not the case now. Nowadays we have only a handful of young leaders.

Friday, 31 July 2015

5 Steps to Be a Great Content Writer!

Aspiring to become an Exceptional Content Writer? Relax folks, no rocket science it is. It is only during the past few years, content marketing has become the hot topic amongst people and it is believed to be the idealistic way of making your things work with the internet. Internet is no more ruled by poor links, spam and to be very bold – content marketing can replace SEO also. After a two months of internship experience in echoVME (Digital and Social Marketing Services Agency, Chennai), I was able to draft this out for all those who yearn to become a content writer. So, no matter if you’re a born baby or a veteran to business world, look at these 5 things and ensure if you’re a master!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Why rising disconnect between cities and villages ?

India lives in its villages, and while the cities have grown immensely over ... It is easy to see the rising disconnect between cities and villagesOur economy is developing fast, Industries and big corporate are going globalized, with liberalization, tremendous changes are being felt in IT, manufacturing, Service sectors, but nobody thinks of the rural development to make it as fast as in these sectors.

Then what all this progress and development means? Benefiting to 30% in the total population, already developed and above poverty does not mean any development to nation.

Some questions that take you more deep in this issue.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Corporate Chanakya - Successful Management the Chanakya Way

Today we as a Management student are familiar with the success stories of Ford, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft. We have a mindset that what the teachings in Harvard business school and other top notch B-schools is the last word for management. Perhaps because we have been brainwashed to believe that the western management concepts and the success stories of western enterprises is the secret formula for any business today. We are much familiar with the concepts and teachings of Peter Drucker and Philip Kotler. But sadly not many people are aware with the teachings of great philosophers, scholars and strategist from our very own land Bharat and their extraordinary works. 

Friday, 24 July 2015

Bahubali: The Beginning - Marketing Strategies

Bahubali, The name has crossed the minds every possible moviegoer for the past few weeks. A movie which should have been just yet another south Indian movie has now turned into a national sensation. As a movie it had nothing great in terms of the storyline. But it is exactly the thing that made the movie cross the barriers of language. The movie was made as a bilingual in Tamil and Telugu and has been dubbed in Malayalam and Hindi. The movie has reached the hype it needed through extensive marketing. Let us see how the movie turned from a yet another regional movie into a giant.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Who becomes a successful entrepreneur .

According to me . . .

There is no exact common formula for an entrepreneur. And no one is a born entrepreneur. It is a learnt set of Characteristics, which makes them successful.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Race, Race against the dying of the light

This rephrasing of the Dylan Thomas poem essentially says that as a manager one has to keep in pace with the technology that is travelling at the speed of the light. For instance, take the entertainment industry. One can easily witness the improvement in technology over the years and how the industry has been surviving by acclimatizing itself with the ever-expanding horizons of technology. 

We can enumerate the industry scenario with the help of an example. In 1997 when Reed Hastings found the organization called Netflix, it was yet another DVD rental store. Through innovation, the model has been turned to mailing the DVD and later the individual DVD rental went away and the monthly subscription came in to the picture. One might think this as a management innovation and not a technical advancement; but this is the reason they were able to technically advance themselves.

Monday, 9 February 2015

People Management - When dealing with people...


The task of people management starts right from our childhood days. While some one asks do you like your father or mother we had to manage to give an answer that satisfies both of them. Just like this we start to manage people in the form of friends, relatives, neighbors and colleagues.

By management programme this will get us a bit forward with a specific definition as 'people management' encompasses the tasks of  recruitment, management and providing ongoing support & direction for the employees of an organization.This is not a simple thing to do as in past.

Managing the employees is not a matter of ability it’s a matter of attitude. If we aren’t able to handle some personality, then how to do it by means of our attitude plays a vital role in it.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Believe yourself... Live to express, not to impress

"God gives a lot of things to bad people, but he will let them fail eventually.
He makes life harder to good people, but he will not let them fail."
                                    -          Superstar Rajnikanth

Let us start with the book definition of Impression Management.  "Impression management is an active self-presentation of a person aiming to enhance his image in the eyes of others”. To put it in simple words, it is like to create favouritism. 

Sunday, 1 February 2015

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that we were all sitting in our undergraduate classrooms and chitchatting about what would be our next move… Diverse answers indeed: Studying further to rattle brains, A little work and earning our own bucks, Marriage and starting a family etc

Friday, 23 January 2015

Is Work Experience a must for an MBA??

Yup, that’s what is in my mind for almost 18 months and I hope the same is with everyone who had work experience and now studying. To be clear, this doubt is in everybody’s minds, who wish to study MBA.

But, have any of us thought why does a person with work and at least 5 digits salary think of doing a MBA? Here are some of the reasons which I think would be the factor to opt for MBA.

Monday, 19 January 2015

'Kaththi' blockbuster movie - Marketing strategies

Kaththi (English: The Knife) is a 2014 Indian Tamil action thriller film written and directed by AR Murugadoss. The film stars Vijay in dual roles while Samantha Ruth PrabhuNeil Nitin MukeshTota Roy Chowdhury and Sathish play supporting roles.This movie although featuring usual horrible first half and interesting second half made lured audience and few critics too.

I am not going to talk about the loopholes in the movie or suggest better way of screenplay or the “movie is already a better movie” justification. All I want to convey through this post is, “This movie is a perfect example or a case study for a management student”. Being a management student myself, I saw the movie in the same perspective, although I am not so good in marketing.

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Make science in India

Make in India is the much talked buzz word which makes the relevance of make in India for Indian science. What really need to be done is to make scientific research and science in India that much healthier?

There is a wide gap between make in India campaign and strengthening of research & development in India. The main cause can be the absence of innovative science education practiced in our education system.

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Handling stress as a B-school student

How do you work under pressure? Do you crack? Can you handle it? Let us know by
“Every morning in Africa, when a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up, it knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running”
Life of a B-school student is not a bed of roses. The above statement perfectly describes a student life at a rigorous business school. After joining the course within a few days you will be able to realize how tougher your life will be for the next two years. To get a an estimate of how much of stress it can cause, think of the most stressful day you ever had during your engineering or arts and science college, and imagine living that day for 300 out of the 365 days in a year. That would probably be it.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Walk of a Lifetime!

Put on your favorite dress; wear your best cologne and a pair of shoes that fits you perfectly; because you have got a whole lot of walking today. Startled?? Yeah! You should be. Today is not a day for you to hit that snooze button so hard and doze off for a little longer. Step out to watch the morning twilight and the ray of hope the sun showers upon you eventually, because today you are about to experience a walk of your lifetime.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Analyzing Yourself- Getting out of your comfort zone

Comfort zone is a mental state in which the people are following a set of behaviors that are most comfortable for them. They do not try new challenges and they do not achieve anything new in this zone. This comfort zone is a hurdle for their achievement of carrier goal. If people want to win something, they could do it by improving their own skills. But if people want to achieve something that does really need to get out of their comfort zone.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Our education system produces followers and not leaders

India is a land of opportunities. This is more than just a statement. There were many Indians who were behind the success of great innovations. Many multi-national companies want Indian minds to work for them is not only because Indians are hardworking but have the skill precision in them.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

'Caring for what others think' - for those extra sensitive types

Everyday when you sit in the class and listen to the lecture and for the most part feel that someone is commenting on you for reasons unknown; how would you feel? 

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Life is spent answering innumerable questions. Some easy. Some not so easy. Answers to some questions seem too obvious on the face of it. Universal truths are not debated over, and some answers are accepted without much introspection. Some questions are pondered upon for eons and yet for them we do not receive a unanimous answer. Huge dispersion in perceptions exists while such questions are thrown on our faces.